Scented Candle

Queen of the Night Small Candle


In the gardens of Mumbai, these tiny delicate flowers blossom only at night, their sweet scent transcends humid air. By dawn, the flower wilts leaving only the memory of its scent.The scent has been recreated solely as Shakera remembers it. Expect notes of jasmine, ylang ylang, and rose.

This is our bestseller! The scent is truly special - think sweet and yet rounded, a robust floral scent. An ideal gift for those who like to be unique and special - it is sure to delight.

In Scotland, the scent is infused into a blend of rapeseed and coconut mineral wax, then hand-poured and set in bespoke fine bone china pots. Each pot is crafted at the hands of skilled ceramicists in Staffordshire, complete with Shakera's intricate, hand-drawn illustration inspired by the scent.

As the candle burns, the flame gives a spectacular warm glow through the vessel which illuminates the design from within. When finished, you are left with a beautiful keepsake intended to be treasured for years to come.