Scented Candle

Rose Small Candle


Indian rose; a timeless emblem of deep decadence. A traditional Indian wedding is not considered complete without fresh roses to enhance the beauty of the occasion. Chains of rose petals hang from canopies and embellish tables, the most famous aroma enriching the air. 

This rich and decadent rose scent is beautifully balanced with notes of jasmine and geranium. 

Best for those who like to be quintessentially English - expect a gorgeous rose scent that is not cloying but sweet and enjoyable. 

In Scotland, the scent is infused into a blend of rapeseed and coconut mineral wax, then hand-poured and set in bespoke fine bone china pots. Each pot is crafted at the hands of skilled ceramicists in Staffordshire, complete with Shakera's intricate, hand-drawn illustration inspired by the scent.

As the candle burns, the flame gives a spectacular warm glow through the vessel which illuminates the design from within. When finished, you are left with a beautiful keepsake to be treasured for years to come.


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